Do you provide comprehensive SAT/ACT preparation?
Yes! Dan has provided support for both exams for over 10 years and has helped dozens of students boost their scores in big ways. From any starting point, Dan or another experienced Impactful Tutor will help students boost their scores and reach towards their score target. Your tutor will recommend books, create a study plan, teach test specific strategies, assign weekly homework, and provide unlimited free practice tests from previous years.

Where are sessions held?
All tutoring sessions are done online through Zoom utilizing all available cutting edge tools and technology (including AI) to optimize the learning process.

This has historically allowed better results at a lower cost, however we also offer limited in person sessions available within Marin County.

sat prep tutor

What is a Math Specialist?

A Math Specialist means that in addition to providing math support for ongoing subjects, Dan is able to rapidly identify knowledge gaps in students' mathematical foundations and resolve them effectively in a matter of weeks. In doing so, students break the cycle of feeling "bad at math" and are able to not only succeed in their current classes, but also their future courses as well.

This happens through honing in on the issues, then providing clear examples, nonjudgmental support, and encouraging questions until concepts become solid.

best act prep tutor

How much are sessions?


  • Phone Consultation: Always FREE

  • Online Academic Tutoring: $125/hr

    5 session package for $600

  • In person Tutoring (Marin only): $150/hr

    5 session package for $700

  • SAT/ACT prep : Varies based on timeline and goals

    *I am so confident you will be thrilled with these services, that I offer a money back guarantee on any session if you are not satisfied. I look forward to helping you.*
    - Dan, Founder and Lead Tutor

What happens if I need to cancel a session?


  • There is no charge for cancellations made at least 24 hours out from a scheduled session time.

  • If less than 24 hours notice is given, a 50% late cancellation fee will apply.

  • If no notice is given, missed sessions are billed at our full rate.​

act study course

What is Positive Psychology and Self Determination Theory?
Traditionally psychology is a viewed as a way to fix psychological “problems”. Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that looks at turning good to great, through best understanding how motivation and success can most easily flourish. Within positive psychology, there is a powerful framework for driving success called Self-Determination Theory.

For those interested, there is a lot to learn about Self-Determination Theory. In short, there are a few central ingredients which we find common to nearly all successful individuals. These ingredients are so central that the degree to which these things are deprived is directly linked to the hindering of success.

These theories help to explain the relational aspect of learning. When that goes awry, students can be left feeling stuck and miserable. Impactful Tutoring works to provide the optimal environment for a more positive and much more effective educational experience.